Best practice to maintain your Hematology analyzer

Hematology Analyzer mindray bc30

Because a Hematology analyzer is expensive to replace, it's important that you know how to take care of it. It's an investment that can pay for itself many times over.
Here are some tips to help you do that. They're not just advice, many are suggestions that most of us wouldn't even think about.

Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations

• Use an inverter with a grounding plug to supply your Hematology analyzer
• Allow good air circulation around the device (15 inches from the wall)
• Wait about 10 minutes when switching on analyzer then use it
• Check if there are no air bubbles in the reagent tubing
• Always check reagent leaks in the hydraulic circuit
• check for air or vacuum leakage in the circuit
• Avoid sudden shutdowns
• Mix thoroughly the sample before using it.
• Avoid reagent pollution by dust
• Control your CBC instrument daily using control
• Always observe the shutdown procedure
• Regularly clean the external body of the instrument
• Clean the device before and after the analysis with distilled water
• Clean the device with the recommended cleaning solution
• Wipe off any traces of blood

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