FIME 2019 all you need to know

FIME 2019

Hey and welcome to Biokenser Only three days left for the biggest and largest medical trade fair
across the Americas which will bring together medical and healthcare trade professionals from North,
Central and South America, as well as from across the globe, to do business with national and international 
companies exhibiting new and refurbished medical and hospital equipment, technology, products and supplies.

The Florida International Medical Exposition 2019-29th Edition 

           26-28Jun 2019 
           Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, USA
          * FIME2019 AGENDA:    1ST Day Wednesday, June 26, 2019: 10am - 5pm
                                                2ND Day Thursday, June 27, 2019: 10am - 5pm
                                                3RD Day Friday, June 28, 2019: 10am - 4pm
          * FIME 2019 App: Download the official mobile application in [Official Links]
          * More than 400 Exhibitors see the full list in [Official Links]
          * Official Links        Website       MOBILEAPP        Exhibitors Lists

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