[ Maintenance ] VirClia Disinfection Procedure for Lab Technician

VirClia Instrument

One of the procedures to take in consideration during the use of the VirClia® is the maintenance. If it is not carried out properly and with regularity, the instrument (tubing, syringes, probe, bottles, etc.) could get contaminated and eventually affect the performance. Here you will find the guidelines to carry out the bottle’s disinfection, as well as the steps to follow to disinfect the instrument.

Disinfection Guidelines

There are several disinfectants available in the market, however, all of them are based on a small number of chemicals, whose action could cause undesired consequences in the instrument materials. Therefore, to carry out the disinfection of the bottles and instrument, the following instructions should be followed:

Bottles disinfection

VerClia GSD bottels

1. Empty the content of the three bottles (Wash buffer, DI water and Waste).
2. Prepare a dilution consisting of 1 part of bleach and 9 parts of DI water, and fill up the bottles.
3. Leave the bottles soaking with this solution for 30 minutes.
4. Empty the bottles.
5. Clean the bottles with water.
6. rinse again with DI water (tip: smell the bottles to be sure they have been thoroughly rinsed).

Instrument disinfection

1. Disinfect a bottle following the indications mentioned above.
2. Prepare a dilution consisting of 1 part of bleach and 9 parts of DI water, and fill the bottle.
3. Prime the instrument 20 times.
4. Leave the instrument with that solution in its interior for 15 minutes.
5. Prime the instrument 60 times with DI water to thoroughly remove the previous dilution.
6. Prime the instrument 20 times with reconstituted Liquinox (1x).
7. Prime the instrument 50 times with DI water to remove the remaining of the Liquinox from the tubing system.

Source: Vircell VirClia Disinfection Procedure

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